Protect Your Garage and Home from Burglars with the Patented Garage Protect

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Are there others ways to protect my Garage door from this sort break in?

Yes! You can install an alarm system, or if you already have an alarm system, you need to add an additional station to your garage door. You will need to convert to remote turn off via an alarm key chain switch or other mobile device. When the garage is forced open with the alarm on, it will set off the alarm system and notify your alarm company, who will notify authorities. If you have an alarm system already, but do not have the big garage door alarmed, it will cost approximately $200 for them to come out and add a station. If you do not have a remote de-activated system, your system may need to be converted, or this ability added to your existing service (additional costs may apply). If it will not cost you anything to install an additional station and/or convert to mobile activation, this is probably your best option. Otherwise
spend $39.95 and get Garage Protect!

Are there any other ways to secure my garage door without an alarm system?

Yes! There is a remote auto lock device that locks you garage door for about $300. It automatically locks your big garage door when you are not there (door cannot be opened via the emergency release), and it automatically unlocks when you return and open your garage door with the automatic garage door opener.
If you do not want to spend $300, get Garage Protect™!

Can I make my own device to prevent the emergency release on my garage door from being opened?

Yes! If you like to tinker with things in the garage, you can of course make your own protective screen, or other device to prevent the emergency release from being opened. Most options do not allow you easy access to release the emergency lever in an emergency, which defeats the entire purpose of having and emergency release. If you are going to spend more than 5 minutes, and more than $30 in supplies,
Garage Protect™ is the better option. Creator/Designer Rick Schulte spent over 1 year developing a simple, inexpensive way to protect your automatic garage door emergency release, while still leaving it functional. The process involved production and design engineers, and assorted other professionals to bring his invention from the drawing board, ready for production.

Can all garage doors with an emergency release be opened?

Any door can eventually be forced opened with enough time, no matter what the protective device. The key word is time. Most burglars do not want to spend "time" breaking in, they prefer to try elsewhere. Some garage doors are installed where the door fit is tight enough where a wire device or other device cannot easily be inserted to access the emergency release.

What if there is no other access to my garage except via the big Garage Door?

Most garage doors with no other access have an emergency release key installed on the exterior door. With Garage Protect installed, you will not be able to use this emergency release external opener.

You can do the above or spend $39.95 for Garage Protect®. ATTACH, TIGHTEN TWO HEX NUTS WITH A COMMMON 7/16th box, open end, or socket wrench AND YOU ARE PROTECTED

Garage Protection Q&A

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